At Windward Vein, Heart and Medispa, we specialize in affordable, state-of-the-art and minimally invasive vein treatments at our outpatient treatment center in Kailua, Oahu. All treatments are performed or directly supervised by board-certified physician Dr. Sonny J. H. Wong, FACC. Dr. Wong has over thirty years of experience and can offer personalized recommendations for your vein treatment needs.
Windward Vein, Heart and Medispa’s state-of-the-art vein center offers a variety of vein treatments to address all vein and circulation issues. We provide treatment for both simple and highly complex venous disorders including spider veins, varicose veins, hand veins, facial spider veins and prominent breast veins.
Our main objective is to offer virtually painless treatments without compromising our patient’s lifestyles. We do this through giving focused, individualized and comprehensive care that is effective and seamlessly integrated into your everyday activities.
Considering vein treatment? The starting point is to understand how they work. Veins in the legs return blood that needs oxygen back to the heart, where it can then recirculate throughout the body and dispense oxygen to the tissues. There are three sets of veins that compose the leg’s circulatory system:
The root cause is usually a damaged or weakened valve within the vein that causes blood to pool in the legs. Veins can become weak over time because the blood coming from our lower extremities must work against gravity to return to the heart, and sometimes blood that is supposed to go to the heart leaks downward into the veins. Over time, this leaked blood forms varicose veins and spider veins.
Up to 55 percent of women and 45 percent of men suffer from some type of venous disease. Many factors can raise your predisposition to varicose and spider veins, including genetics, body type and pregnancy. It’s important to remember that we can prevent the onset of spider and varicose veins by being active and taking care of our bodies.
Benefits of Radiofrequency Ablation:
Benefits of VenaSeal:
Benefits of phlebectomy:
Dr. Wong and his team will assess the severity of your veins and recommend treatment options that will provide the greatest chance of success for you. At Windward Vein, your long-term treatment is our priority—we offer the least disruptive options to help you get back to normal activity right after the procedure.
If you’re experiencing pain from the presence of varicose or spider veins, call Windward Vein at 808.261.2441 or request your appointment today. A beautiful and confident future awaits.