Excel V Laser

The natural aging process changes the quality and texture of your skin. Over time, you may notice skin conditions that occur due to the effects of sun damage as well as pigmentation, spider veins and acne scars. A fool-proof method that creates noticeable results for our clients at Windward Medispa is the Excel V laser, which resurfaces the skin and improves its texture and tone.

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Excel V FAQ

The Excel V laser is popular because of the technology that makes it easy for you to receive safe and effective treatment. Many lasers are too abrasive or do not penetrate deep enough to produce noticeable results. The Excel V laser, however, uses two wavelengths to adjust to the particulars of your skin, treating everything from severe vascular abnormalities to mild pigmentation concerns.

The Excel V laser is made up of 532 and 1064 nm wavelengths. A green laser light is absorbed by the blood vessels to reduce vascular lesions and other spots located near the surface of the skin. When the Excel V laser comes into contact with the skin, it immediately causes blood vessels to coagulate, which are then metabolized by the body. With multiple treatment sessions, you can see a significant improvement in your complexion.
The Excel V treats a wide variety of skin conditions, including the following:

  • Rosacea
  • Angiomas
  • Port Wine Stains
  • Poikiloderma
  • Venous Lakes
  • Facial Veins
  • Leg Veins
  • Telangiectasia
  • Freckles
  • DPNs
  • Age/Brow Spots
  • Skin Tags
  • Acne Scars
  • Scar Reduction
  • Wrinkles
  • Warts
The Excel V laser is effective on the face and body. To begin your treatment, your practitioner will apply a lubricant to help the laser glide over your skin with ease. Your practitioner will administer pulses of light to the treatment area while a cooling device levels the temperature of your skin.
The number of treatment sessions you will undergo largely depends on the size and severity of the skin condition you are experiencing. Vascular lesions that are closer to the surface of the skin are generally easier to treat, but it is possible to target deeper veins as well. After examining your skin, your practitioner will determine how many treatments you could benefit from.
You will begin to see results immediately after your first treatment session, but it will be beneficial to undergo several procedures to ensure that the outcome you receive is long-lasting and that your skin looks completely smooth. After two-to-six treatment sessions, your results will become more noticeable, but it may take several months before you see full results.
Treatment with the Excel V is relatively comfortable due to the constant cooling that is administered during your treatment session. Most patients describe treatment with the Excel V laser feeling like slight stinging sensations on the skin.
Immediately after treatment, you will experience some redness, bruising and swelling, which will return to normal within a day or two. After 48 hours, most patients can return to their daily routine without any issues.
The cost of laser treatment with the Excel V laser will depend on the number of treatment sessions you undergo, which will ultimately be determined by the size and severity of the area in question. During a consultation with your practitioner, you can learn more about how many sessions you can expect to receive along with the cost for each procedure.


Request your appointment and start your facial rejuvenation or acne treatment with us.


Windward Vein, Heart, Medispa