This treatment uses advanced ultrasound images to discover veins that are deep below the surface of the skin and would otherwise require surgery to remove. In this procedure the doctor uses ultrasound technology to guide a needle into the affect vein and deliver a solution known as Sotradecol to destroy the lining causing the vein to seal itself shut.
It should be noted that this procedure works by allowing the body to resorb the affect veins much like a bruise. As a result, mild bruising is to be expected and on rare occasions hard lumps and a brownish discoloration may form where the veins were. If this happens both of these side effects will heal naturally over time.
This type of treatment can usually be completed successfully in less than 30 minutes. Most patients can resume their daily activities within a couple of days however; compression stockings should be worn daily for at least one week after the procedure. Patients who elect to receive this treatment will be scheduled for a follow up appointment one month later. During this follow up our staff can best determine if a second session is recommend in order to receive optimal results.